
Friday, May 11, 2012

Jaybird's Bomb Pop!

My sweet buddy Jaybird makes the most amazing frankens, and the one I have to show you today is called Bomb Pop. In case you don't know, this is a Bomb Pop:

This is the polish that Jaybird made that was inspired by the Bomb Pop:

Pretty awesome, no? These pics show Bomb Pop at three coats. I took pictures of both my left hand and my rarely seen right hand so that I could show how the glitter distribution is on both hands.

The formula is fantastic, completely non-fussy. As with a lot of chunky glitters, I just made sure to give it a good shake to get the glitters well distributed in the polish before application. Bomb Pop also wore like iron on me. I think I wore it for four days straight, and it looked just as good on Day 4 as it did on Day 1.

Jaybird hasn't set up a shop, but you can contact her through her blog

TGIF, and thanks for reading!


  1. Very pretty polish, and I'm so glad you included a picture of what a Bomb Pop is, I had no idea.

    1. Yeah, I figured folks outside the US wouldn't know what a Bomb Pop was. =) She totally nailed the different colors, just amazing.

  2. LOVE! I am so excited to wear this one!! Jaybird did an amazing job!

    1. Yup! I love this polish so much, it's hard to even describe how much I love it, lol.

  3. This looks very much like another indie polish maker's creation which has been around for a while. I'm not making an accusation of your friend copying, but she may want to search around all the indie polishes before she opens a shop and starts selling a dupe. Because at that point she will be accused and it most likely won't go well for her business.

    1. I know the indie polish you're thinking of and I think she copied it too. It's obvious.

    2. She even renamed the np to "Thing 2". And she copied another np from the same person named "Sugar Pop".

  4. BLATANT copying of a wonderful indie brand. You all know who we're referring to - you should buy from her, she's the BEST


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