
Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Great Mystery of OPI Don't Touch My Tutu!

OPI Don't Touch My Tutu! is a mystery to me on several levels. 

Mystery 1: How is the formula so perfect? Three easy coats, no streaking, no weirdness. Just perfectly smooth application.

Mystery 2: How is this so flattering on me? Even though I do wear some white polishes, they're not normally particularly flattering. But this is amazingly flattering on me, maybe because it's kind of cooler toned? I'm not really sure, but I absolutely love how this looks on me.

Mystery 3: I hate visible nail line with the fiery passion of 1,000 suns. Why doesn't it bother me with Don't Touch my Tutu? I have no idea.

Mystery 4: Why do I like this?! If you read my blog, you probably know what I normally gravitate to in the world of polish - blue, green, holo, glitters, duochromes. Sheer white jellies are really not normally my thing. But holy cow, I love THIS. LOVE. I really want more from this collection. Honestly, I've found the last few OPI collections less than thrilling. But this collection really rocks my socks. How very odd. 

Perfection. Well played, OPI. Well played.


  1. I feel the same way! I have "My Pointe Exactly" and "You Callin' Me A LYre?"....I want all of them, especially this one! You are so right, this looks fabulous on you!

    1. I really want My Pointe Exactly and Pirouette My Whistle the most, but who am I kidding? I want them all!

      And thank you. =D

  2. I'm like you, don't like sheers, don't like VNL... but it looks fantastic on you!!! I've been avoiding this collection but maybe I'll get the mini set?? Do you have any others from this collection that you will be showing us?

    1. Thank you! =) I very nearly bought the minis, then I remembered how much I hate the tiny little bottles. LOL!

      I haven't bought any of the others yet, but I definitely want more.

  3. hilarious post :P I think their is something special in those OPI sheer jelly polishes that makes them so amazing.....maybe magical fairy dust?

    1. =)

      Perhaps... though I would suspect that magical fairy dust would at least have some shimmer to it, no? ;-)

  4. I completely agree 100% with everything you said. I love it too

  5. This looks amazing on you :) I really liked this collection too even though I gravitate to vampy colours.

    1. Thank so much. =) You know a polish company has done their job when they manage to make a collection like this one appealing to so many people who would normally not give these colors a second look!

  6. I wore Care to Danse for quite a few days and I loved it! I wasn't too impressed with the collection but decided to try it. I wore it as the jelly component to a glitter sandwich and it worked perfectly! I'll definitely be picking up the rest of the collection.

  7. This polish is STUNNING on you. If it hadn't been on my WL already, this post would've been responsible! I need this in my life STAT.

  8. Ha! I completely agree! This stuff is magical! When I saw the promo pics for the collection the colors were just screaming out "meh". I was all "blah, boring, yawn, yawn" ... and then I started seeing swatches online and ran out to snatch up 5 of them! Poor little Barre My Soul. Maybe I should go back and buy you too? :P

  9. WOW! It looks really amazing on you! Glad you liked it - I am a big fan of jelly nudes and whites, my fav is ChG Australian Alabaster. I cannot stop staring at your nails... WOW!


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