
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Nubar Absolute

Nubar Absolute was released in spring 2010 as part of the Prisms Collection. It's a pale blue polish with a rather weak scattered holographic effect. I was on the fence about this polish for a long time, but I was recently able to swap for it, so here it is.

It's nothing super fancy when indoors, kind of a light silvery blue. But it does have that typical shimmery holo finish that I love so much. This is kind of like the light blue cousin of Catrice Dirty Berry in that way. I la-la-love the finish on these even when the rainbows aren't shooting off my fingertips. 

I took it for spin outdoors and it lights up in the sun. As I mentioned, it's a pretty weak holo effect. It's not one of those holoiest holos that ever holoed or anything, but it's quite lovely.

Like a lot of scattered holos, I found the formula completely fuss free. I did need to use three coats because it's rather sheer, but the color builds well with no streaking or other nonsense.

I love Nubar's brush as well. It spreads well and makes it easy to control the polish. I had barely any cleanup at all to do, which is always so nice. =)

And here's a macro shot of it in the sun.

All in all, I'm very happy with this baby. I really need to add more Nubars to my collection. Hope your weekend is going well, and thank you as always for stopping by my little blog!

Reminder: Only two days left to enter my giveaway!


  1. Absolute looks gorgeous on you! I need to take this out of my untrieds >.<

  2. So pretty!!! LOL @ "the holoiest holo that ever holoed"

  3. That looks really good in the sun!

  4. so pretty, I am a fan of Nubar's polishes too, I recommend Nubar Reclaim, a gorgeous green holo. x

  5. Very pretty! I think I need to get my hands on some Nubars!

  6. @Miss Blue Yeah, you need to try it out. I really love it. =)

    @Laura Glad you liked it. ^_^

    @Sarah Yeah, it's a beauty in the sun for sure!

    @Nicole Oh, yes. I love Reclaim. I wish Nubar would do a whole collection of holos like Reclaim in other colors. It's such an amazing polish.

    @Jacki Yes, you do! I've been impressed by the Nubars that I have, and I'm not sure why I haven't added more to my collection yet!

  7. Oooh she really comes out to play in the sun ;o)


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