
Friday, August 26, 2011

H&M Peppermint Fusion

I first became aware of this polish when I saw it posted over at Lacquerized. I wanted it immediately, but I didn't spend a lot of time trying to track it down since it seems to only be available in Europe. I pretty much put it out of my mind, then one of my buddies told me I really needed this polish... then another sweet nail boarder offered to get it for me as a part of a swap. And so the lemming came full circle and came to live with me. =)

Don't ask me what periwinkle has to do with peppermint, but Peppermint Fusion is indeed periwinkle. It's a beautiful creamy periwinkle with blue shimmer.

The shimmer isn't super in-your-face, but it's definitely noticeable, and it gives the polish a really nice depth. Side note: I wanted to compare this to Essence Forget Me Not, but my bottle of Forget Me Not is MIA. I think it's in Missouri with my husband.

The formula is really fantastic, super easy to work with. The brush is good. I'm not wild about the flat H&M caps, but they're not a huge problem either. 

I did use three coats for this mani. It looked okay with two, but maybe a little patchy in spots, and it's perfect with three. The drying time was just fine even at three coats, so I'm not complaining at all.

Total love. ♥


  1. This is such a pretty blue! Haven't seen a color like this is awhile! Lucky you!

  2. Holy cats, *I* am really glad you have this! So gorgeous on you!!

  3. this color is sooooo pretty! and it looks so great on you!

  4. It's so pretty! I need to get it. :D

  5. I love this, Lacquerized made me buy it as well! :D

  6. So pretty! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love this color!! I don't have any by this brand. Thanks for sharing!

  8. @Fingers Yeah, I feel pretty lucky to have gotten my hands on this one. I love it. =)

    @Rach lol... Thank you! ^_^

    @Beanie Thanks so much. =)

    @Sandra Yes, yes, you need it!

    @Solveig Yeah, Michèle has a way of making me run out and buy polishes immediately... or at least begin the search for them! =)

    @imfeelingnail-venturous Thank you!

    @Jacki Yeah, I didn't have any of them either. I don't have an H&M Store near me. You can order some of their shades online, but sadly not this one. I'm quite happy I was able to swap for it!

  9. That looks nice and luminous on you! Good connections ;)

  10. Pretty! I've been on a blue kick lately.

  11. @mariebeedee Thank you! Yes, I am quite thankful to have such good connections in the polish world! =)

    @nicelyvarnished I'm on a permanent blue kick... lol.


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