
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Golden Rose Metallic 08

Yay, my latest swap package with my friend Nola came today, and in it were some major beauties! It was a very timely arrival too since I've discovered that I absolutely love metallic polishes, and this package included a few of Golden Rose's new metallic polishes. The one I elected to wear first is 08, which is a cooler leaning green that also flashes aqua.

I tried to capture the duochrome goodness, but the finish is so insanely shiny that my camera kept freaking out!

I have no experience with Golden Rose, but this polish seems pretty great to me. The formula is excellent, I barely had to clean up at all. I can't comment on wear time because I've only had it on for a few hours. 

I got some shots of it in the sun. Oooh, shiny!

I'm not sure if these are available anywhere in the US yet. They're not up on the Golden Rose website yet, so I don't know if they'll make it here or not. If you like metallics and have the opportunity though, I'd definitely get some of these. Color me very impressed!


  1. [Insert "I see what you did there" Owl] With the color pun... impressed... Anyway! /nerdage

    This is a pretty darn gorgeous green. And it looks fairly similar to Peridot! I remember searching Golden Rose's site a while back for a few flakies they had? To no avail. :( Hopefully this one shows up!

  2. So gorgeous! It's like a bluer version of Peridot! :D

  3. love this color!! Especially the sun shots! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Very pretty and your photos are awesome!!!!!

  5. @royalmilktea LOL, yep! /dorkmode Anyway! There's one that's even more similar to Peridot, 03. My friend Nola swatched that one here: - I have that one too, but haven't worn it yet. And I think that Golden Rose discontinued their flakies, sadly. =(

    @Solveig Exactly! The more blue tone to it makes it more wearable on my cool skintone. =)

    @Jacki Oh man, I wish you could have seen what my camera was doing in the sun! It kept picking up these streaks of light coming from the polish. It was blinding, LOL

    @imfeelingnail-venturous Thank you, I'm quite pleased with the photos! =D

  6. Ohh, very cool! They're both stunning colors; can't wait to see the rest of your pictures of these. :) Yeah I went on a more in-depth hunt last night and I guess the flakies were limited & difficult to get a hold of in the States-- ah well!

  7. @royalmilktea Yeah, I guess we win some and lose some! I have all of these that I got sitting on my desk, but they're competing with a bunch of others too. Pics soon though, I promise! =)

    @TA Isn't it, though? Love it so much!

    @Emily Thanks, me too! =)

  8. Is this dupey to that one Missha polish floating around?

  9. @cilucia Yep, that's what I've heard - minus the rose stink, of course.


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