
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Smitten Polish Lovely Lilacs + an Update

Ok, whew! All the packages are wrapped up, and the batch is being brought to the post office today. =) Supplies for the restock have all been ordered (I hope), so now I'm just waiting for everything to arrive.

The nice thing about waiting for supplies is that I actually get to do my own nails. I love making polish, but I end up with totally wrecked polish and jacked up cuticles. Anyway! I decided to try to get some decent pictures of Lovely Lilacs. I find it very difficult to photograph. Photos out in the sun tend to wash it out, like these:

These pics aren't terrible, but Lovely Lilacs is actually much richer than these photos would lead you to believe. *sigh* This is three coats, by the way. It's pretty sheer, but the base color builds really well. 

So I rebuilt my light box today to try taking photos of Lovely Lilacs that way, and I think that these are much better. Not perfect, but better!

So there you go. Much better swatches of Lovely Lilacs than what I've had previously! 

Thank you for reading, and thank you all so much for your purchases and support! xoxo


  1. So gorgeous!!! I'm looking forward to mine, yayyy!!!

  2. Beautiful! Glad you had a chance to take a tiny breather and enjoy your own polish. :)


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