
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Yikes! - Malware Warning!

I have to say it's a bit of a shock to one's system to visit your own blog and get a malware warning! I did some investigating, and it turns out one of the blogs in my blog roll was pinging Google's malware warning.

I've removed that site from my blog roll, and I'm very sorry if you've gotten a warning from my site! I haven't purposely installed any malware, that's for sure! What a headache!


  1. I am having the same problem & have just removed my entire blogroll but my site is still blacklisted by google according to this

    yours is too and I still get the malware message when trying to go to your blog, I have requested the review from google webmaster tools & will see what happens there :-(

    1. Ugh. I've just removed my entire blog roll too, and I'm deleting the specific posts that they're saying are problematic. This is so not good. :(

    2. Your blog (and mine) appear to be fixed now...I think

    3. Yeah, I see that now. At least the review happened quickly!

  2. I get malware warnings whenever I log on Blogger, but not on my own blog :/

  3. oh I was having the same problems when I logged into my own blog too, from your site Kristy. I asked google what they were playing at when they wouldn't even let me onto my own site.... I hope its all fixed now because I'm sure none of us have put stuff anywhere to cause all of these headaches over the past couple of days.

  4. yep had the same problem, turned out to be one silly picture :S I used as recommended by red leg to track it down.


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