
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Zoya Beach Collection - The Pinks

Yes, I am slowly making my way through swatching Zoya Beach! My cuticles are feeling much less brutalized now that I've switched back to my normal hand lotion. (Which is Gold Bond Ultimate Healing with Aloe, for the record. My cuticles were NOT pleased with the generic version, sadly.)

Today I have the three pinks from this collection, Reagan, Lara and Shelby. 

I'm still not sure what Zoya was thinking with releasing a collection with three pinks. Maybe it's just because I'm not a huge fan of pink, but I really would have liked to see some more diverse colors here.

Reagan is the darkest of the shades, an almost berry leaning magenta shade.

Lara is the middle child. This one is really rather eye searing on me in person, almost crossing the border into neon territory. 

And the lightest one is Shelby, which is also my favorite of the pinks, oddly enough. I expected to like Reagan the most, but I found Shelby to be very, very flattering with my skin tone. 

The formula across all three polishes was uniformly great. I used two coats for all of them and I was quite happy with the results on all three with just two coats. All in all, these really are quite lovely polishes; they're just not terribly exciting to me. But if you're in the market for some pink cremes, you really can't go wrong with these. =)

It's also worth noting that the Zoya Earth Day Polish Exchange is back this year. You can find the details here. If you're wanting any of these, now would be a good time to order!

Thanks for reading!

** Products provided for review **


  1. I really want Lara & Shelby ... despite the fact that they're pink and that I have a ton of pinks I haven't worn yet! They look so good on you. :D

  2. I love Reagan and Shelby! I thought I could pass on this collection but now I want this 2!

  3. These are so beautiful!! I think Lara is my favourite! :D

  4. I really like Reagan. I am starting to rethink skipping the Zoya promo and just get some more of their awesome cremes!

  5. I hear ya, I'm just not a pink girl-- especially the "pepto" looking ones! These are quite flattering on you though, tempted to try one... *goes crazy choosing Zoya promo polishes!*


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