
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Zoya Arizona

I'm slowly making my way through the Zoya Beach collection for you guys. My cuticles have been rebelling lately, so I'm trying hard to not do any extended swatch sessions while I get them back into shape. Hopefully it was just a change in moisturizer, and they'll be back to normal soon. *crosses fingers*

Today I have Arizona, the bright orange creme from the Beach collection.

I don't own many oranges. In fact, Arizona brings the number of oranges in my stash up to FOUR. Yahoo!

I actually find Arizona oddly flattering though. I think the key for me liking orange is that it has to be a pure orange, not red or coral leaning at all. This one certainly fits the bill. The formula on Arizona is good, though a little thin.  These shots were taken at two coats, but next time I wear it I think I might go for three. You can't really see it in the pics, but there were some little sheer patches here and there. Three coats should make it just about perfect though.

And I took a few pics of it in the shade as well, since the sun was making it look a little bit more searing than it actually is. =)

So what do you think? The formula is what I've come to expect from Zoya, but the color is a really pleasant surprise for me. ^.^

Thanks for reading!

This product was sent to me for review.


  1. This is so beautiful! Arizona was really the only one out of the whole collection that I really liked. I just feel like all of the other ones had been done before. But I love this on your hands, looks very flattering! :)

  2. This looks great on you! No, I'm totally with you on the orange thing -- coral/pink tones don't work on me, either (some red is permissible).

  3. I really, really like this colour!! I usually can't wear oranges but I want this one anyway! XD

  4. I like orange and I like your pictures of this one. I am not smitten with the Zoya spring collex this year but I guess I will pick some of them up eventually.


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