
Monday, February 6, 2012

NerdLacquer Event Horizon

Today I have Event Horizon, the last of the three NerdLacquers that I purchased a few weeks ago. Event Horizon features a murky teal jelly base that's packed with teal and holo glitters, plus some teal hex glitter. 

This is two coats. It looks absolutely fine at two coats in person, and the base doesn't look nearly this sheer in real life. Lighting and macro are unforgiving mistresses in this case though. 

I find all NerdLacquers incredibly difficult to photograph. It's hard to show just how sparkly they are, and the depth of the colors is really hard to convey in pictures.

The formula was good - a little on the thick side, but there's a TON of glitter in there, so it didn't bother me too badly. I used a coat of Gelous and a coat of Pro FX, and it was little gritty as it was drying, so I added another coat of Pro FX. It's completely smooth now.

I ended up taking a ton of pictures trying to capture just how awesome this polish is. These are some of the better ones:

So there ya go, Event Horizon. Amazing. =)

NerdLacquers are available on Amanda's Etsy shop, Her shop is closed for a few days while she catches up, but she says that everything is still in active production. She just needs a few days to catch up after getting slammed with orders. *adds fuel to the fire* 

Thanks for reading!


  1. This is gorgeous! I kind of reminds me of a-england's Bridal Veil from the new "The Legends" collection.

  2. Gah I clicked and ogled every picture up close! *pine*

  3. Oooh, that's lovely!!! But have you seen the movie Event Horizon? CREEEEEEPYYYY!

  4. Ja ja - you're keeling my wallet! :D

  5. I love this so much. The other day I was in your neck of the woods {we went down there to pick up a rental after the hail storm of doom here in St Louis} and I kept thinking oh I wonder if I could hook up with Noelie. Is that creepy?


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