
Monday, January 16, 2012

Two Zoyas - Kristen and Tallulah

I took advantage of Zoyas most recent promo and picked up two polishes that I'd been wanting for a while - Tallulah and Kristen. First up I'll show you Tallulah. I'm not sure why my fingers look so orange in these pics of Tallulah. The polish looks color accurate to me on my monitor though, so try to ignore the orange fingers. 

Medium blue with a cerulean shimmer. Perfect coverage in two coats, great formula. I love this one. Even with the amount of blues I own (a lot), this one is unique in my collection. =)

Now for Kristen.

Blue toned grey creme. This one is actually pulling less blue on me than I expected it to, so in that respect she's a bit of a let down for me. I had read some complaints on other blogs about the formula, but I didn't have any problems with this one. The formula was good, not too thick, not too thin. It was a big streaky on the first coat, but completely leveled out on the second coat. I do like Kristen, I just wish she pulled a hair more blue on me. 

So there you go, two blue Zoyas for this Monday morning. Thanks for reading!


  1. YAYAYAYAYAY I knew you'd love Tallulah! :D

  2. Replies
    1. She is a pretty one. Sadly I think she's gonna be purged though, since she pulls not as blue as I wanted her to. *sigh*

  3. These are both sooo pretty!!! :D Kristen is my favourite. They both look fantastic on you. ^-^

  4. They're both gorgeous, but I love Tallulah on you :D

  5. Kristen looks amazing on you though! It's so much like Essie's Cocktail Bling, which is now my favorite superdusty pale blue (I see the blue, I do!).


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