
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Nubar Moon Eclipse

Moon Eclipse is the polish formerly known as Moonshadow. I think Moonshadow was a much better name... but I digress. The polish is beautiful no matter what it's called.

I love me a good multichrome, and Nubar makes some of the best. The base color on Moon Eclipse is a deep, rich, smoky berry that shifts to a chocolatey brown and over into a bronzey type shade. I've heard that you can also get it to shift to a greenish shade, but I didn't have any luck getting that to come out to play.

This is three coats. Two was almost enough, but it was a little sheer at two coats. Three was perfect.

Moon Eclipse is a little watery and had a tendency to pool at my cuticles, but I should have been on the lookout for that since it seems like a lot of my duochromes have that problem. Other than that though, the formula was pretty good.

The sun came out today, so I was able to get some sunshine shots of this beauty too.

So amazingly beautiful. *sigh*

Happy Wednesday, my sweet readers! Hope you all are doing well, and thanks for reading!


  1. O0o0o0oh, that's lovely! It's like a shimmer/duochrome version of Zoya Valerie! Love!!

    1. Totally! I can also pretend in certain lights that it looks a bit like Peel Me a Gobi Grape. =D

  2. So pretty! I wish Nubars were more readily available in stores.

  3. It look wonderful on you. :)

    I own Moonshadow and it is, indeed gorgeous. When I wore it, I couldn't stop looking at my nails and moving my hands to make the polish shift. I was able to catch green by holding my hands in such a way that my nails were mostly flat then looking at them from the edges, along the surface. (I hope that made sense. lol) Green is elusive and it was almost impossible for me to photograph.

    1. Ah, yes. It's one of those "You can see this color at the most extreme angle" type things. This one was a beast to photograph in general, I found - perhaps it was because the colors that it shifts to aren't as dramatically different as one that shifts from, say, turquoise to purple. It's a beauty though, no matter what!

  4. The only multrichromes that I knew until now were the Ozotic, but this Nubar it pretty amazing also, the colors are beautiful.

    1. Yeah, the Nubar ones are really quite good, and they come in a really interesting array of shades.

  5. I have this one and I love it! Only downside is I need 4 coats for it to be opaque.. Maybe that is what changed with the little namechange too? Mine is still called Moonshadow.

    1. Ooh, maybe? This was definitely not a 4-coater by any means. Verrry interesting!


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