
Friday, January 20, 2012

My First Jelly Sandwich

I got a little surprise in the mail the other day from a friend of mine in the form of Nabi Abysis and Stargazer 305 (which I'll show you in another post). Abysis is an amazing glitter polish with blue hex glitters and normal holo glitters. I swatched it over several shades and couldn't find anything that was really grabbing me, so the friend who sent it to me suggested that I try a jelly sandwich. I pulled out my bottle of NYX Ink and got to work. This was the result.

I totally love this combination. This is one coat of Ink, then one coat of Abysis, then another coat of Ink. One coat of my quick dry top coat made this as smooth as glass. So much depth. 

My bottle of NYX Ink is from the new NYX line, the ones that come in the bottles that are shaped like Lippmann bottles. I really thought this was the same polish as NYX Girls Inkheart, but some of my friends have told me that their bottles of Inkheart are too pigmented to do a jelly sandwich with, so I guess it must have been reformulated when they changed the bottles and the names. The formula on it is really great though, and I can't wait to wear it on its own as well.

The Nabi was thick - like super, mega thick. I had to dump some of it out to make room for enough thinner to get it more workable. It worked just fine once it was thinned, though. For folks who have issues with strong scents, beware - this stuff stinks. I've gotten to a point where Kleancolors don't really bother me anymore, but this was one stinky polish. And I could still smell it for a few hours even after it had dried. And that was with it between two layers of polish. o.O But even so, there are a lot of Nabi shades I've seen that I'm interested in, so I'd definitely try more of them.

I totally loved this mani, and I'm very thankful to my sweet friend for not only the polish, but the suggestion to wear it this way. <3



  1. This is so shiny and pretty and I really love your nail shape.

    1. Thank you! It really came out so incredibly shiny. Just beautiful.

  2. I love it! It has so much depth!

    1. Yeah, it really looked like the glitter was suspended in the jelly. =)

  3. so so SO pretty!! i need ink in my life / on my nails NOW.

    1. I am so glad that I finally ordered Ink. I couldn't be happier with it.

  4. Great Jelly Sandwich. It looks amazing. I've not done one yet. I think I need more jelly polishes so I can try.

    1. Thanks! You should try one, yes. I don't own a ton of jellies myself. Doing this makes me wish I had more!

  5. Looks amazing! And you read my mind, because this morning I was thinking about trying a blue jelly sandwich too :D

  6. That's one delicious sandwich!! NOM NOM NOM ^^

  7. That's a great sandwich! I love the depth of it :)

  8. Wooooooow love this jelly sandwich :D
    Where can you get this Abysis polish!?

  9. so much depth!! beautiful!! ummm...this might sound stupid...but how do you file your nails so perfectly? whenever II file mine like that i get pointy corners and hangnails!!:( Help!!

    1. I file straight across, then I lightly file the corners so they aren't pointy anymore. I'm not sure if that description helps, but that's what I do. Then I lightly buff the edges of my nails to seal the edge of the nail plate and get rid of those little shards that are left over after filing.

    2. Thanks SOOO much!!:) That really helped!!:) I tried your dotty mani and i <33333 it!!! I used a bobby pin and then end of a paint brush for the dots:) i also tried the jelly sandwich and it FAILED!!! I couldn't see the sparkles underneath! what to do?:)

  10. I tried the jelly sandwhich but I could not see the sparkles when it was done! Help!!:) Also going to a big party that is formal in like 1 week! Any recommendations for nails?

    1. If you couldn't see the sparkles, the polish you used probably wasn't sheer enough.

      It's hard for me to recommend polish for an event without knowing what you're wearing. =)


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