
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

L'Oreal Now You Sea Me

I had just read on Nouveau Cheap that there was a new line of L'Oreal polishes polishes appearing in drugstores, and I was so surprised to find a nearly full display of them at my local Walgreen's - I feel like I always wait months to find things I see on blogs in my drugstores, so it was nice to be ahead of that curve for once! The display that I saw was completely bare of the Trendsetter colors. I'm not sure if they were already sold out or if they hadn't put them out yet. I ended up grabbing Now You Sea Me from the Iconic Muse line, and that's what I'm showing you today.

I would describe Now You Sea Me as a light grey-out teal that leans every so slightly more blue than green. It's very reminiscent of Misa Dirty Sexy Money and Catrice I Sea You, though I'm away from my stash and can't do a side by side to tell for sure. I think this one is more blue than either of those, but again, I can't be positive.

The formula on this baby is just yummy. It's one of those that's sort of halfway between a jelly and a creme. I used three coats in these photos because I wanted to make certain I had full coverage, but it honestly looked fine after two coats. I was really happy with the formula, and I thought it wore really well. I ended up wearing it for about three days, and there was only a bit of tip wear when I took it off, no major chips at all.

Now, is this polish the most unique snowflake? Of course not. I have a lot in my own collection that are very similar, but I just can't resist these types of shades. But Now You Sea Me remains a solid choice based on the formula and wear that I experienced. It's certainly not a bad addition to a stash that doesn't have a lot of shades like this one - or even to a stash like mine that has a bunch! =D

And I also have to say that I absolutely LOVE L'Oreal's brush and bottle. I think the color choices they're offering are really strong, I just wish that they were in more interesting finishes. So many of us collectors have cremes in every color of the rainbow, so it makes it hard to buy yet another creme that's likely a dupe of something we already have. I'd love to see more shimmers or perhaps some glitters or glass flecks from L'Oreal - I'd snap those up in a heartbeat.

Thanks for reading, and I hope that 2012 is being kind to you all so far!


  1. This is a lovely blue. I have to keep an eye out ;0)

  2. Such a pretty blue! I love it! :)

  3. That's a lovely blue on you! I can't think of an exact dupe, either, but I'm sure there's one. Happy New Year to you too, hope it will be good for you. <3

  4. Oh, I can definitely see me having this in my blue collection!! :D This has got to be one of my absolute favourite colours!! Stunning!

  5. That is all sorts of gorgeous and it looks amazing with your coloring ♥

  6. I got this polish today! Along with 6 or 7 others. hehehe *blush* I ended up putting on "Jet Set to Paris" which is a GORGEOUS creamy cobalt blue. Sooooo pretty and the formula is FAB! I need to pick up some more of this brand because, I love the formula. And the colors are really pretty. Thanks for the photos!

  7. I saw this color in a magazine and absolutely had to have it! Its my favorite color


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