
Monday, November 28, 2011

OPI Speak for Your-Elf!

First, my apologies for the sub-par pictures of this polish. I'm away from my lightbox, and the sun hasn't made an appearance where I am this week in several days. I did what I could with the lighting I have available to me, sorry about that!

So here we go. This is one of the OPI Ulta holiday exclusive polishes, Speak for Your-Elf! It's a cooler toned red with a glass fleck finish. Is it unique? No, not really. But I've learned my lesson with Ulta OPI exclusives the hard way, so I went ahead and picked this one up. 

This is two coats. I struggled with the application on this one a little bit, but I don't think it's so much the polish as the brush. My nails are narrow, and I always make a mess with the OPI Pro-wide brush. I know a lot of people love it, but the brush is wider than my pinky nail, so it makes it a little tough.

All in all, it really is lovely... just not terribly unique. I've read that the other OPI Ulta exclusives this year are pretty easily duped as well. I think it's kind of a shame that they're not making more of an effort to make these limited edition exclusives more unique, though I guess that my wallet is happy about that. 

So there you have it. Pretty, but do you need to run out and buy this one? If your collection has as many glass flecked reds as mine does... probably not!

Happy Monday, folks! Hope you all are staying warm and not running yourselves too ragged as the holiday season gets into full swing!


  1. No such thing as too many glass flecked reds, if you ask me and this one is a beauty. I would jump on it in a heartbeat. If I had an Ulta in my general area. *stamps foot in a fit of pique* This polish looks smashing on you.

    I love the OPI Pro-Wide Brush. Adore it, in fact but I can see how it can give you, with your more petite nails trouble. :)

  2. Sub-par? You have an incredibly lenient definition of sub-par, then, dear... This pictures are still excellent! This color looks great on you, but I agree when you say it isn't all that unique. It's silly to me when "limited edition" shades are released but have many dupes. Kinda cancels out the whole "omg, limited edition, must buy it now before it's gone!" thing.

  3. it looks very pretty! not unique, no, but still, there is a reason why I have like five or six almost identical shades. or ten... And yes, I hear you about the brush. It is a big reason to why I cut my OPI buys to just a couple form each collection and preferably the mini sets. At least I can work the mini brush... :D

  4. You and the making me want things ... SMH. <3

  5. Holy FUDGE, Noelie! That looks AMAZING on you! I needz it now!

  6. awwww this is soooo pretty on you!!and your nails are so perfect!!!How come I found out your blog sooo late!!

  7. Thanks for your comments, everyone! It's been an incredibly busy week for me and it's been hard to find time to reply. I'm sorry I didn't get to reply to everyone individually, but I do read and appreciate every comment! <3

  8. oh my god! it's gorgeous!!
    I really enjoy your blog :D

  9. I don't care if it's been duped or not this is so so so beautiful!!!


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