
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

BB Couture Dragon's Breath

BB Couture is a brand that's not really well represented in my stash. I had gotten two of them before and ended up swapping them away, but I'm finding myself drawn to them yet again. Dragon's Breath was one that got its claws in me and wouldn't let go. It's been perpetually out of stock at Overall Beauty (one of the only sources for BB Couture), so when I saw that a friend of mine had it on her swap list, I snatched that bad boy up. So here it is!

I would say that Dragon's Breath is a sort of raspberry red jelly that is absolutely packed with micro glitter - I think the glitter is red, blue and gold, but I'm not positive on that. What I am positive about is that this is one amazing polish.

I mean... wow, right? This is three coats. It was a little streaky at two coats, but not unmanageable. But at three coats I found that it really deepened the texture of the polish, so I'd be inclined to do three coats no matter what. (You can click on these to make them bigger, just in case you didn't know!)

These micro glitters are really where BB Couture excels. They pack these tiny glitters into these jelly bases, and it's just magical how much insane shimmer and sparkle goes on in these babies.

The best source for BB Couture polishes is Overall Beauty. Kim is also starting to carry Ozotic, Glitter Gal and Cult Nails, so you might want to hide your wallet before you go and look around there. =)

That's it for me for today. As always, thanks for stopping by my little corner of the web!


  1. I'm not one addicted to red tones, but this one I find very interesting, it gives a very elegant look to the nails!

  2. Your nails are beautiful.

  3. Soooo beautiful! Instant lemming! :D

  4. I love that color and your pictures are beautiful!

  5. Oh wow! This polish is stunning!


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