
Monday, October 24, 2011

Spectraflair Franken, As Yet Unnamed

A buddy of mine sent me some suspension base, so I was able to make my first full out franken with my Spectraflair. I used a recipe from More Nail Polish (also my Spectraflair source), and this is what I came up with. I used about 2/3 of a bottle of clear, about 1/3 of a bottle of suspension base, about 30 drops of Kleancolor Metallic Aqua, and 3 little scoops of Spectraflair. It needs a good name!

Here it is in the shade.

And in my lightbox. This is pretty much how it looks inside my house.

 And then... outside. *angels sing*


Thanks for visiting!


  1. I can't believe I never found your blog before today! I now have lots to catch up on tomorrow :)

    This franken is AH MAZ ING!!

  2. so pretty! I don't like plain silver holos, but any other color - I love it!

  3. So lovely. You've got to mass market it. : ) How about Luna Azul?

  4. Oooooh that's amazing. I wish I could afford just a little spectraflair but alas not in the budget right now. Your nails are just gorgeous. :)

  5. it!!! That is absolutely gorgeous! I really need to get some franken supplies A.S.A.P

  6. Call it Ah-maze-ing!

    That's how it looks like =)

  7. Thanks so much for the comments everyone! I am very, very happy with my first Spectraflair franken and hope to make lots more! <3

  8. It is a very good franken! I have SF but I have not done any frankening yet.


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