
Monday, October 3, 2011

Some Hard to Find Holos

Over the last year or so, I've managed to get my hands on a few hard to find holo polishes via either swaps or RAOKs. I was taking pictures of them all a couple of weeks ago, so I thought I'd share them here. They aren't the greatest pictures because I was swatching at night, but here they are anyway. Enjoy!

OPI DS Original (Thanks, Moxie!)

China Glaze He's Going in Circles (Thanks, Nan!)

China Glaze Tickle My Triangle (Thanks, kenyameesha!)

China Glaze Let's Do It in 3D (Thanks, Moxie!!)

Hope things are going well for all of you! As always, thanks for stopping by! <3


  1. *Drools* Such an amazing post full of epicness!

  2. China Glaze Let's Do It in 3D is awesome!

  3. I still really like Original on you, just sayin' ;) also, LDII3D is looking fiiiiiine in your pics! <3

  4. oooooooo I wish I had those polishes in my hands!!

  5. Hellow, beautiful blog, I follow you, you can follow me. =D

  6. Thanks so much everyone for your sweet comments! I was out of town and then my internet connection was down, so I'm running short on time at the moment. Sorry for not responding individually, your comments do mean the world to me! <3


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