
Sunday, October 23, 2011

I have really amazing friends...

I posted Essence Blue Ray the other day, but I forgot to post a picture of the entire package that accompanied it. This is what came from one of my friends in Ireland as a birthday gift.

Then the following day, this arrived. I knew a package was coming, but I didn't know what was in it.

What have we here?

Lippmann Ruby Red Slippers??! I thought it couldn't get any better, then I opened the other one. You can see in the background what it was.

Yeah, I pretty much almost passed out here.

I had two other great packages just a couple of weeks ago, but I was so tired when I opened them that I forgot to take pictures. =( One was some magnificent holos from Asia, and one was the package that included Glitter Gal Marine Blue. In my defense, there was amazing gingerbread in that package, and in my Cookie Monster-esque feeding frenzy, the thought of snapping pictures didn't even occur to me. ^.^

Anyway, the point is... I am truly blessed to have this amazing group of women that I call friends. I am amazed and humbled every day by their kindness and generosity, and I only hope that exhibit those same qualities to the same degree that they do. Love you, ladies. You know who you are. =)

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