
Sunday, October 16, 2011

An Old Favorite - China Glaze Dorothy Who?

I am very tired tonight, it's been an incredibly busy week, so I will let this one speak for herself. I give you one of my favorite blue glitters EVER - China Glaze Dorothy Who?

China Glaze consistently makes some of my very favorite glitters. Yay for sparkles!

And with that, I bid you all a lovely night (or day, depending on when you read this). Thanks for stopping by! Perhaps one day soon work will stop kicking my butt and I'll be able to be a little more coherent. =)


  1. I agree - CG has made some amazing glitters though the yrs. They seem to be able to get a lot of theirs to lay flatter with more smooth surface due to their glass fleck that OPI really does not seem to get done that often. I love it when I can get a slick top finish and still have sparkle, holos, glitz/glamor. For some reason I have yet to pick up a bottle of Dorothy Who. I had to grow into blues, first dark blacken blues, then gray blues, and not finally into the blue creams and brighter sparkle blues - took me awhile however to get there with my own comfort zone.

  2. @Kristi Yeah, she's a beauty!

    @beachgal Oh, you totally need it. And yeah, part of what is so great about ChG glitters is that smoothness. They're just so amazing. <3

  3. I love this one. It was my favorite CG glitter until Skyscraper & now I can't choose!! :]


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