
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

SpaRitual Eye of the Beholder

I have a bit of an odd choice for me today - SpaRitual Eye of the Beholder. I've sort of developed a penchant for buying these bright warm-leaning greens, but then I put them on and I can't decide how I feel about them. This one is super, mega-bright on me. I'm on the fence though... not sure whether to keep or purge!

The formula on this one is pretty decent. The first coat was streaky, and I had to apply the second coat with a light hand. It wanted to drag around my cuticles, but all in all it wasn't too bad. Not as great as some of my other SpaRituals, but these yellowy greens can be problematic.

Happy Hump Day! Hope you all are having a good week. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I think this is a pretty color! I would keep it!

  2. It's pretty! I say you should keep it, but if you decide to purge I know someone named Aly who would take it off your hands ;)

  3. I can't get enough of these greens, gorgeous!

  4. OMG I love this on you!! Purge it on over to meeeee. ;) Hope you are having a good week, too! <3

  5. Uhm, I dunno. We're simmilar in colouring and well, I dunno. This reminds me of when I got ChG Electric Pineapple and it just looked odd on me. I wanted to like it, but it ended up in the swap stash.

  6. Wow, so much love for this shade of green, thanks everyone for your comments! =)

    @nailXchange Yeah, you and I are colored similarly, so you understand my struggle with this one. I'm still kind of on the fence. =\


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