
Sunday, September 25, 2011

OPI Smitten with Mittens

I got a package in from my friend Moxie the other day. It had one polish in it that I was expecting, and two that I was not. One of the unexpected surprises was this beauty, OPI Smitten with Mittens.

Smitten with Mittens is from OPI's 2009 Holiday Wishes Collection, and it is hard to find at this point in time. Mizz Moxie found it though (she has a talent for that), and I really almost started crying when I opened the package and saw it in there.

Deep, cool red with gold glitter. It's perfection, seriously. 

Thanks again, Moxie. This baby is so perfect on me, and I love it so, so much. =D


  1. So beautiful! *dies*
    You're so lucky to recieve this! :)

  2. So beautiful!! I found this at a dusty, but I'm saving it for just the right time. :-) I can't wait to try it out!

  3. very pretty color and I love the name too cute!

  4. This polish fairy is pleased that you love it so much! :) It looks stunning on ya! <3

  5. Love this on you! I'm not normally a huge red fan, but this polish is so special! You're lucky to own it :)

  6. See, now I've come across this one quite a few times and have passed on it each time. You've made it look great!

  7. Thanks everyone for your sweet comments! I'm out of town this week, so I haven't had a chance to respond individually... but I really do appreciate each and every comment! <3


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