
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The N Girls

I had the best surprise yesterday. A swap came in with my sweet friend Nan from the nail board, and she had included the most amazing extra - a franken that she made and named The N Girls (Noelie and Nan, get it??) Anyway... it's amazing. AMAZING. Flakies and glitter and purple... like unicorns and magic in a bottle. Two easy, peasy coats. Total love. Do yourself a favor, click on these to make them bigger. It's worth it!

Thank you so much, my sweet friend! I love this baby!


  1. I love this!! Too bad it's a franken and I can't buy it lol. It also looks great on you :)

  2. Beautiful! I love purples :)

    If I could buy it I would lol

  3. Oooh that is so full of awesome, what a lovely gift!

  4. OMG! This is amazing! I am in LOVE with this!

  5. Thanks everyone for your comments. I've been super busy this week and just didn't have time to respond individually! ♥


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