
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Kleancolor Metallic Aqua

Ah, metallics. My newest obsession.

Does this look like a $2 polish to you? Yeah, me either.

Kleancolors stink, oh yes they do. The first time I used one, I got a migraine. But I guess I've gotten used to them or developed an immunity or something because now I barely notice the smell. I'm very thankful for that because they are cheap, cheap, cheap and awesome, awesome, awesome.

Here it is in the sun. Like a lot of aquas, it looks different depending on the light I'm in. The formula, by the way, is top notch. I did two coats only because I'm a habitual two coater. It was perfect with one coat.

Minimal brush strokes, which is really nice for a metallic. I decided to compare it to Orly Sweet Peacock. It's a little more different than these pictures look. I'm glad I own them both, but your mileage my vary and all that. =)

I must get more of these. Yay for cheap thrills!

 It's almost the weekend, huzzah! I have two orders coming tomorrow. *dances and stalks UPS*


  1. What a gorgeous blue. I think I need to add this color to my kleancolor order.

  2. I love KleanColor! I bought all the holos. Do you find that this color takes FOREVER to dry? That's my only complaint I have with this brand, but maybe it's just the holos. I think I will add this color to my next order! Thank you for the post!

  3. Love the foil look!

  4. That's like *the* perfect colour on you!

  5. @Krissy You totally should! I've been so incredibly impressed with KC lately!

    @Myli This one actually dried pretty fast, but my holos do take a bit longer than I like to dry. My normal KC polishes seem to have average dry time.

    @TA Yes, it's very, very reflective. I'd call them both metallic, but this is more of a smooth metallic finish. It's quite stunning in person.

    @imfeelingnail-venturous Thanks, me too!

    @Stef Thank you. ^_^ There's a reason blues are my faves! =D

  6. Gorgeous!!! I am wearing it today and it is love again! This is a great holiday color actually!


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