
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Catrice Houston's Favorite

I don't have that much to say about Houston's Favorite, oddly enough. It's a lovely blackened teal, but it pulled darker on me than I'd hoped. I wanted the shimmer in the bottle to show up more on my nail than it did. It's not that I didn't like it - on the contrary, I really do love it, but I just wasn't in the mood for something quite this dark. Fabu Catrice formula, as always.


  1. May I ask where you're able to find/order Catrice in the States? They have such great colors, I'd say this is definitely one of them! Maybe once Fall has really come around and you're cozied up in fuzzy grey scarves, then this color will feel right. ;)

  2. @royalmilktea I have a friend in Poland that I swap with for my Catrices. I positively adore them, and I wish that they were more easily accessible here. I'd have the whole collection if I could. And yeah, I totally think this will feel right as the weather gets cooler and I'm wearing jeans and sweaters rather than yoga pants an flip flops, lol.

  3. Looks great on you (yeah, what a surprise...) :>

  4. So pretty! I live in Houston and teal is my favorite polish color so you can imagine why I would love this! If only I could get my hands on Catrice easier...

  5. I can see the shimmer! Such an awesome polish!

  6. Looks great on you but how does it look indoors? Is it one of those that end up looking almost black?

  7. @Pani Skeffington I really need to get some ugly polishes. >.>

    @Laura Yeah, I know. =( I wish we could get them easier too. I really didn't think I'd be able to get this one because it was limited edition, but my swap buddy lucked out.

    @imfeelingnail-venturous Yeah, the shimmer is there... just not as POW as I hoped!

    @nailXchange Well... it depends on where in the house I am. If I'm sitting at my desk, I can tell it's teal, but I also have really bright lights here. If I'm on the couch.. yeah... just looks black. =\


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