
Monday, August 1, 2011

Woooooooot! 100 Followers Giveaway!!!

so excited! I've been sitting on these prizes for a couple of weeks now and I wanted to share so badly, but I wanted to wait until I actually hit 100 followers. I literally JUST cropped the pictures in preparation, checked my blog, and it was rolled over to 100! Thank you all SO much! I really just thought I'd be talking to myself here, and it means more than I can say that people actually are enjoying what I'm doing here. =)

So here's the deal. First the prizes. I originally had only planned to offer the polishes, but after some thought, I realized that they might not be everyone's cup of tea. I decided to add a secondary prize, and you can choose which prize you'd like to be entered for. I hope that made sense. Anyway! Here are the two prizes to choose from:

First, the complete set of the Revlon Fizz collection. =)

The other prize I'm offering is four pieces of the jewelry I make from nail polish. You can click on the pics to enlarge them to see what polishes I used for the pieces. I know that some people are sensitive to scents, so I didn't want to just offer the Revlons and perhaps leave people out.

The rules are:

  • This contest is open to everyone, regardless of where you live.
  • You do NOT have to be a follower of my blog to enter. I get that Google Friend Connect isn't everyone's cup of tea, so I'm not gonna penalize you if you choose to just have my site bookmarked instead or whatever. =)
  • You will have the opportunity choose which prize you'd like to win on the entry form.
  • I will accept entries until midnight on August 8, 2011, and will do the actual drawings on August 9, 2011 using The winners will be notified and will have 48 hours to contact me to arrange for delivery. If you don't contact me within 48 hours, the prize will go to someone else. 
  • You can gain an extra entry by blogging or tweeting about this giveaway.
  • The nail polish prizes were purchased by me for this giveaway and are brand new, never opened, swatched or worn. The jewelry was made by me using polishes from my stash.

    And I think that's everything! Good luck everyone, and thank you so much for your support!



    1. congrats on reaching 100 followers!! I hope I win :)

    2. Congrats on 100 followers!!!!

    3. Yay, congratulations on 100 followers. I'm so excited for this giveaway. I love the Revlon Fizz collection.

    4. Congrats! I hope that I can get to 100 followers sometime on my blog! :)

    5. Congratulations Noelie!!

    6. Congrats! And thanks for the giveaway!

    7. Thank you everyone! I'm probably almost as excited as you guys about the giveaway, lol. =) I love doing stuff like this for people, it makes me smile!

    8. Super huge congrats on breaking 100 followers!!! I am so excited for you. <333

    9. I went ahead and joined your site - I love your generosity and the jewelry really has my interest piqued!

    10. Congrats!! What a great giveway. Thanks :)

    11. Normally... I would never say jewelry over polish, but i LOVE that jewelry :D

      Congrats! I can't wait to have a giveaway!

    12. oh boy, I think my entry went through twice. I'm sorry, disregard the 2nd one! :D

    13. Sorry I forgot if I enter this giveaway already if I did can you count the newest one please.

    14. Congrats on reaching 100 followers!!! Wishing you for more.......

    15. that was sooo hard to choose which one i wanted to win such a great giveaway i would totally take either LOL! Your jewlery is gorgeous!!


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