
Monday, August 15, 2011

Julep Maven

I've been seeing news about this new program floating around the blogoshphere. It works rather like Birchbox, but it's focused on nail treatments. These are the details from the Julep site:

"We launched our new Julep Maven program to give all of our girlfriends access to the beauty editor Sneak Peek Box we create every month.  As a Julep Maven, you will have access to the hottest trends in nail color and the latest Mani Care and Pedi Care products - delivered right to your doorstep, just like the beauty editors do.  And you'll have access to these trends and products before anyone else.

We know that tailoring and customizing each editor delivery is critical to gaining her attention and enthusiasm, so every Sneak Peek Box we send you will be tailored to your needs and preferences.  Just take our fun and easy Julep Maven Style Quiz to help us understand your style profile.

Then each month, we'll send you an email to let you know what we've curated for you in your customized beauty editor Sneak Peek Box.  If you don't like what you see, you can request another "shelf pull."

Or choose to send your Sneak Peek Box to a girlfriend as a gift - every month's set comes beautifully packaged and ready to gift."

The cost is $19.99 per month every month until you unsubscribe. You're able to skip a month if you want, and you're also able to choose to send that month's shipment to someone else as a gift. I've read that it's easy to unsubscribe.

I was on the fence about trying this out, but I came across a promo code to get $15.00 off your first month, thereby making it only $4.99. It's worth a $4.99 gamble to me to see how I like the products, if for no other reason than to be able to review them on my blog. They also have a referral program, so if any of you sign up using my unique link, I'll get a $15.00 credit with Julep. I'm pretty sure I'll cancel after the first month since I'd rather spend that $20 towards getting precisely what I want from out there in polish land, but what the heck, I'll give it a whirl!

The promo code to get the first shipment for $4.99 is smh9oxu. If you want to use my link to sign up, please click here.

Hope you all are doing well! My Orly Fowl Play should be here tomorrow, so I'm hoping to have that to post in the afternoon or evening! Yay!


  1. I've heard of Birchbox but it does sound like a gamble, depending on what kind of products you're interested in I guess. Can't wait to see what you get and how you like it! Also, whaa?! Are the new Orly colors out now? Merry Midnight, er, Fowl Play looks awesome!!

  2. Ha... I had to do it. I just used your code for my first order.

    Whether I keep it or not? We'll see... :-)

  3. $4.99! Definitely worth a try. I used your link too, so looks like you will have to keep it for at least a few months ;-) Which "Maven" type are you? I got "Boho Glam"....can't wait to try this!

    Oh and speaking of Orly...I just swatched Fowl Play the other night and LOVE it! I also have Sea Gurl but I haven't had a chance to try her yet. So many polishes, so little hands! Xoxo

  4. @royalmilktea Yeah, I never did the Birchbox thing because I figured I'd get a bunch of stuff I wouldn't want anyway, lol. I'm excited, hopefully they'll send me some colors I'll actually wear! And yes, the new Orlys are out, but they seem to be in very limited distribution. I ordered mine from the Orly website because I was afraid to miss out on... MM... err, FP, haha.

    @Missy Pratt Yay, thanks a bunch! I tend to think I won't keep the sub either, but we'll see!

    @Maribeth Thank ya! I'm Boho Glam too! =D Sea Gurl looks so pretty, but I opted for Sweet Peacock. I need a good blue foil, and Orly's formula usually doesn't disappoint me. They are out for delivery, yay! =D

  5. I ♥ you for disclosing the referral bonus for using the link! I just read a similar post on another blog and she tooootally glossed over that part.

    I'm going to pass on this though. I can't handle more single-brand bottles in my stash LOL.

  6. I was iffy about the Julep Maven too, but with the code and your link...oh yeah, definitely signed up! I'm excited to see what you get!

  7. @cilucia Yeah, it irritates me when people don't disclose that kind of stuff, so I always do when I give people links. I like credits as much as the next person, but I always want to be honest about it! Yeah, I figured you'd skip it because of the single bottle thing, lol. Honestly that makes me crazy too, but I've had to try to overlook it because of some of the gems in my collection!

    @Julie Yay, I'm so excited to see what everyone ends up getting! \o/


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